Recent Articles

  1. What is a focal point in art?

    Dec 01, 23 10:00 AM

    How to create a focal point in art.A focal point attracts the attention of the viewers and draws them into our paintings. A painting may or may not have a focal point. It may have more than one focal point. Artists have multiple tools…

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  2. How do we paint good art?

    Nov 24, 23 09:00 AM

    How to paint good art Display the heart of the artist with good art painted with “The Big Three”.
    Composition attracts people, Color evokes emotions, Values create a good painting.
    Use the big threes to paint good art.

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  3. How to Paint a Butterfly with oil paint

    Nov 17, 23 11:00 AM

    How to paint a butterfly with oil paint. Have you ever wanted to learn how to paint a butterfly? Many artists are inspired by their colors and interesting patterns.
    This painting uses the basics of oil painting. You can use the same techniqu…

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Recent Articles

  1. Easy Painting Ideas for Beginners

    Easy Painting Ideas for Beginners You want to start painting? Start with simple, yet delightful projects that aid your progress while celebrating your creative expression.

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  2. How to Glaze Watercolor

    Glazing WatercolorGlazing with watercolor is the key to rich, luminous watercolor paintings. What's the difference between a glaze and a wash? Learn how to layer transparent colors effectively with a step-by-step guide…

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  3. Flower Paintings bring beauty into our homes!

    Paintings of FlowersFlowers are one of my passions whether it's growing them or painting them. Right now the wild Bachelor Button flowers are blooming on the roadsides. These sprightly little flowers cried out to be pain…

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